Laser dentistry, performed by specialised professionals, employs focused laser beams for diverse dental and minor surgical procedures. Laser dentistry minimises invasiveness, lessening pain and discomfort compared to conventional methods. The pinpoint accuracy of lasers preserves surrounding tissue and sterilises the treatment area, reducing infection risk and expediting healing. The use of Lasers obliviates the need for the injection of local anaesthetics into the tissues and can be helpful for patients with a phobia of needles. It also provides superior pain control during and after the procedure.

Which dental conditions can be treated using laser dentistry?

Canker Sores & Cold Sores

Providing effective treatments for canker sores and cold sores, which includes alleviating pain and facilitating healing.

Root Canal Infections

Performing essential procedures to treat and address root canal infections, preventing further damage to the tooth and promoting oral health.

Gum disease

Offering comprehensive treatment options for gum disease, ranging from deep cleaning to more advanced techniques, to restore gum health and prevent further complications.

Reshaping the Gum line

Utilising advanced techniques for gum reshaping, enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of the gums for both cosmetic and functional purposes.


Conducting biopsies to accurately diagnose and evaluate oral tissue conditions, aiding in the early detection of potential abnormalities or diseases.

Teeth whitening

Lasers are used for activation of the bleaching agent, which leads to an effective lightening of tooth shade, and it also provides superior post-procedure comfort.

Temporomandibular Joint pain

Laser serves as an effective pain management tool and expedites resolution of muscle and joint inflammation by means of deeper penetration with surface treatment.

Damaged Nerve

Implementing innovative methods to regenerate damaged nerves within the oral cavity, promoting improved sensation and oral functionality.

Oral Tumours

Expertly removing benign oral tumours, ensuring optimal oral health and preventing potential complications.

What are the benefits of Laser dentistry?

  •  Sutures are often unnecessary, reducing patient reliance on them.
  •  Anaesthesia may be minimised due to the advanced precision of lasers.
  •  Laser sterilisation decreases infection risks by treating gums.
  •  Minimal gum damage accelerates healing timelines.
  •  Reduced blood loss is observed compared to conventional surgery.